Tuck those Halloween costumes away and let’s plan Thanksgiving dinner! The harvest is finally here to be collected, shared and enjoyed. November is permeated in equal measure by the theme of abundance and gratitude. Although a littletoo overused a concept, like most anything in life, gratitude is not black and white. Generally it is associated with the notion of abundance, hence the more one has the more one needs display gratitude. And what about people who don't have as much abundance? How ...

You could be reading this post from your Android phone, iPad, or some other super fancy piece of technology that was never imagined possible some 20 or 30 years ago. Modern life, however, has also come with disadvantages. Similarly to what did not exist 20, 30 or more years ago, new toxins, pesticides, harsh chemicals, etc., are now roaming the environment and causing a host of health issues. Here are 6 reasons why we need a seasonal Ayurvedic Cleanse to reset ourselves and preserve our...

Autumn is officially here. Even the uncharacteristic enduring late summer and its high temperatures can't hide it! The days have gotten shorter and the green leaves have already started to turn color. From green to red to yellow, to completely falling off the trees, it is all going to happen in the blink of an eye. In Nature, we find the prime example of transformation. From season to season, everything in Nature transforms itself from one way of being into another, and another, and so on.

Everything in life has cycles. In nature, we see a cyclical expression in the seasons. September marks the end of summer wanderings, with kids returning back to school and grown ups bidding adieu to their summer vacations as they return back to work. If there is a common thread to September, it would be Returning. In yoga, we see the journey as an inner one. No matter where our bodies take us, our experiences of places, people and experiences, life itself, are all ‘archived’ within us.

Mark your calendars everyone: Monday, June 21 @ 6:34pm EDT. According to the Farmer’s Almanac, this is when the Summer Solstice will happen this year. As the Sun continues to orbit, this is the time when it appears to slow down and hover over the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere. The result is quite amazing: we, Earthlings, will have 15.05 hours of daylight on Monday, June 21st. What a gift! Here at I Am Yoga, we started the celebration with a Gong Bath & Yoga Nidra workshop.